Imagine this…

You trust him to take care of you and lead you in life. 
 Your relationship is a place of deep joy, peace, passion, and growth. 
You feel safe to let go of control and leave space for him to step up as a man.
You masterfully run your business during the day and easily transition into receiving him in the evening. 
You have the relational skills to bring out the best in him and inspire him to fully show up.

Welcome to Claimed and Cherished replay

As a high achieving woman, you know that this is an entirely different skillset than what's needed to be a CEO. Even though being in your feminine energy is your natural state as a woman, most of us need to "retrain" our nervous systems to feel safe in softening and trusting his lead. Yes, it's edgy and vulnerable! But you're no longer available to sacrifice your love life at the altar of work. You're here to have it all – both business success and legendary love. Not just on your vision board but real life. You know that you were made for the deeper emotional intimacy, the intoxicating passion, and the spiritually connected love. And you won’t settle until you learn how to access these states. Consistently.

Your desire to feel led, cherished, and protected by your man is sacred. It is not too much to ask for what you desire. But it's also not about demanding him to give you your desires. It is about becoming the woman who invokes his natural impulse to lead, cherish and protect you.

You're here because you want extraordinary, fulfilling, full-fuck-yes kind of love. You're here not because you want to "fix" him or learn a 5-step strategy on how to "make him commit more". You're not available for settling or compromising. You're here because you want the best of everything and this begins with living your legendary love story.

Beloved, you have an immense power to shape your relationship

One of the most pivotal moments in my life was realizing that I had an immense power to shape my relationships. That it wasn't just the guy who was not emotionally available, lacking presence or masculine power. Through my beliefs and behaviors, I was co-creating it. Through my energy of settling, I was enabling my past partners to not become his most powerful selves.

Here's the thing, my love: you're much more powerful than you realize. You are co-creating your relationship reality together with him. This means that you hold an immense feminine power to shape your love life.

Through your feminine essence, you can bring out the best in your man, remind him that he is your King, your hero worthy of your deepest trust and surrender. Your man is craving for that. He wants to make you happy and give the whole world to you. But you got to set him up for success, guide him, and remember the feminine arts of loving and receiving.

This is the beginning of becoming a woman that he can't help but cherish and choose as the queen of his heart.

Inside Claimed and Cherished REPLAY you'll learn:

  • Practical tools to return your natural feminine essence that you can apply daily 
  • How to heal your heart from past resentment and feel safe in trusting the Masculine 
  • The deeper reasons why it feels edgy to practice surrender and devotion as a high achieving woman 
  • The biggest mistake that female entrepreneurs / CEOs do intimacy, blocking the very love they long for 
  • 5 (not your typical) characteristics of a woman who ignites his impulse to claim and cherish her as the woman of his heart 
  • A somatic practice REPLAY (that will be forever yours) to come into deeper softness, aliveness and sensuality as a woman ready to deeply receive her man.

How does the replay work?

As soon as you join, you’ll receive an email which will give you immediate access to the recording.

Investment - $55

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Due to the nature of the services provided, there are no refunds, transfers or cancellations. Aurika Valan International LLC does not issue refunds due to lack of attendance in program, scheduling conflicts, overcommitting, or personal disagreements. By signing up for this program, you acknowledge you are ready to complete the full investment before the start of the program and that there will be no refunds issued.

Claimed and Cherished


Story time: what does it take to ignite his desire to claim and cherish you?

Once I was telling my friend how when I leave the house with Kevin I often leave without my wallet or phone. I’m not tracking any directions or logistics. If we’re traveling, most likely I don’t even know the address of our airbnb.

My friend’s jaw dropped. She was shocked. She thought that a powerful, sovereign, entrepreneurial woman like me could not rely on a man that completely.

Now, I used to work as a project manager in high level advertising agencies. I am running a successful business and I’m managing a team. I am very focused. I am extraordinary at managing things and executing huge visions.

And when I am with my man, I’m happiest when I get to switch off my logistical, managing, directional side of the brain and instead be in my fullest surrender and ALLOW HIM TO LEAD ME COMPLETELY.

This feels natural. And it brings out the best in me and the best in him. My complete trust in him ignites his masculine impulse to protect and provide for me. His profound care for me softens and melts me to my most vulnerable, alive, loving self.

You can’t force a man to lead or cherish you. Just like you can’t force yourself to surrender to him.

But the work begins with you. It’s not about *looking feminine*. It's not about saying the right words such as "you're my King" (but deep down mistrusting him). You can't strategize your way here.

It's about your inner energetics: releasing your masculine armor, letting go of control, learning to actually trust him, deepening your receptivity, expressing what you truly need and desire, wholeheartedly revealing your naked heart.4

About your facilitator

Aurika Valan is a CEO, founder, love and leadership coach as well as a podcaster and writer. Being a somatic practitioner first and foremost, her work is greatly focused on nervous system healing and expansion. 

After having guided hundreds of women in her in depth long-term programs, Aurika's deepest soul's calling is to support female leaders desiring to have it all – both business success and legendary love, the feminine way. She guides women in creating a Sacred Union where they feel truly safe, cherished and chosen AND also in scaling their businesses in alignment with their bodily wisdom, pleasure, and the nervous system. 
Aurika's work is nuanced, precise and will take you to places you didn't even know existed within your body and heart.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xClaimed and Cherished Masterclass$55

All prices in USD
