Creative Momentum is for you if

༄You're ready to create content that converts and sells your offers for you. You want to learn how to extract your creative genius in strategic and precise ways so that your content is not only inspiring but actually creates tangible results for people even before they buy, making it a no brainer for them to pay you.

༄Your whole being is longing to feel safe in being truly seen online and confident to take up more space, use your voice, say the damn thing, be okay with being polarizing and risk being misunderstood. You're ripe with readiness to source your validation internally, not from strangers online with a sunset as their profile picture.

༄You desire to attract higher caliber clients who are self-led, motivated and ready to play full out. In other words, you're so ready for clients who don't make you their savior and know that their results depend on their capacity to powerfully lead themselves.

༄You want to learn how to use the channel of Instagram as a portal to an infinite potential of growth, soulmate clients, and sales. You want to fall in love with this platform and relate to it as a dear ally in business success (definitely not a waste of time). You want to make IG work for you, not the other way around.

༄You want to stand out in your field and claim your thought leadership by speaking with authority, but without diminishing anyone else. Because a true leader sees the gap, fills it with innovative solutions and takes brave action instead of brewing in the conversation on "what's-wrong-with-the-coaching-industry".
CREATIVE MOMENTUM is not like any other program you've seen out there 
It's creativity meets sales meets embodiment meets business
It's where creativity and business make love, and birth sales and legacy-leaving moments.


↯ I will not be teaching you how to "become more like me" or how to apply a "12-step formula to write a killer post". This will feel off for your awakened self – it's like eating processed food after a detox. Your most authentic creative genius is waiting to be awakened. It's time that you learn how to create content that moves and sells based on who you are, using embodiment as the gateway to excavate your best work.

↯ This program is also not about learning how to use your lifestyle as a marketing tool to inspire people to "know what's possible for them too". Your audience has outgrown this kind of marketing a long time ago. Instead, you're here to take the word ‘service’ from your vision board into action and truly learn how to serve your people through content that transforms their lives today.

↯ This is not about fabricating posts on the conveyor belt all day long. Creative Momentum is about cultivating unshakable confidence to stay in the game even when you're not seeing results just yet. Sustaining your momentum internally no matter your external results may be the most important skill you'll ever cultivate in business.
BONUS – Creative Momentum Movement practice

What to expect inside the Creative Momentum

  • Self-paced two entire weeks of audio broadcast with potent teaching material and practical steps that you can implement right away. 
  • BONUS  Replay of one group call / somatic ceremony where you'll be led through my signature Creative Momentum Movement practice – it will be your foundational embodiment practice to liberate your creative genius and source unshakable confidence as a leader, daily.

Disclaimer: the program is curriculum-based and the implementation is done by you. There's no coaching or Q&A.

Contact information

Billing address

Because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and providing the Program, we have a no refund policy.

If paying by debit card or credit card, you give us permission to automatically charge your credit or debit card for all fees and charges due and payable to the Company, without any additional authorization, for which you will receive an electronic receipt.

If payment is not received when due, the Company reserves the right to terminate your access to the Program and all Content, as defined below in Paragraph 5, immediately and permanently.

If you fail to make any payment in a timely manner or voluntarily withdraw from the Program at any time or for any reason, you will remain fully responsible for the full cost of the Program.

You acknowledge that Aurika Valan International LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, or masterminds, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of Aurika Valan International LLC has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money with your respect to your purchase of Aurika Valan coaching. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings and therefore no refunds will be given.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

Refund Policy 
Due to the nature of the services provided, there are no refunds, transfers or cancellations. Aurika Valan International LLC does not issue refunds due to lack of attendance in program, scheduling conflicts, overcommitting, or personal disagreements. By signing up for this program, you acknowledge you are ready to complete the full investment before the start of the program and that there will be no refunds issued.


Self-paced 2 week accelerator to liberate your creative genius and leadership in order to create content that moves and sells
༄You have a service-based online business and your soul is pulsing with a desire to do things differently, with your body as your seer. 

༄You've explored so many social media "codes" created by others and now you're ready to disrupt all the rules and finally find your own CREATIVE BLUEPRINT that works for your unique lifestyle and values. 

༄You're on your creative edge: whether you're bubbling with endless creative ideas or having a messy-middle moment or questioning everything in creative paralysis, you're ready for a good dose of creative renewal, permission to boldly take up more space online and be reminded how hungry the world is for your medicine.

YES. The time has come for you to ignite your creative momentum. Not in mine or anyone else's way, but in resonance with your own genius and values.

3 phases of Creative Momentum

( i ) Excavating your creative genius & thought leadership

- Turning creative paralysis into gold: sourcing your thought leadership from your challenges
-Speaking with authentic authority and becoming a thought leader in your field
-Cultivating Masculine structures and processes to ignite your creative flow state

( ii ) Strategic content that moves & sells

-How to serve people and transform their lives through content instead of being another inspiring coach
-Standing out in the noise of social media through the power of embodiment
-Attracting high-caliber, self-led clients who are ready to play full out

( iii ) Instagram as your ally in business

-Strategies to create a more engaged and loyal audience on social media
-Coming into secure attachment with your audience and falling in love with IG
-Creating consistency without having to post daily

Learn what other women are saying

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It's literally the very first time that I'm in a container that is about business, marketing and creating content where I'm feeling truly inspired without feeling tension in my body, without feeling like I have to fit myself into a certain box in order to follow through with the 12345 from the business

coach and their strategy.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xCreative momentum Regular$333

All prices in USD
