Waitlist bonuses available until Fri 25th Nov:

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Praise for working with Aurika

This is the deepest and most transformational work I’ve ever done. It's beyond anything I could have ever expected. I'm so grateful for the kind of woman I'm becoming thanks to our work.

Aurika holds space with such devotion, love and honor. The deep work that we do in every call creates a ripple effect in my life.I wish all women could experience her medicine.

Paloma Arbol | Soul Mentor @paloma.bloom
Aurika was so successful in preparing me for sacred union that by the time we were nearly completing our mentorship container, I was married to my beloved! She helped me somatically transform my core relationship patterns from the inside out at the root level.

Aurika held me more deeply, and with greater integrity and masterful dedication to detail, than anyone else I have ever hired to support me.

Aurika's essence is quite rare and extraordinary, and she is endlessly more embodied, authentic, trustworthy, experienced and multidimensional than most people who call themselves “coaches” online.

Christina Louise McBoyle | Feminine Arts @solar.feminine.arts
Aurika creates an experience that is more than a meditation or an exercise. She creates a guided transformative experience during the live calls that are ceremonial, invoking change on a core level.

You name a modality – I‘ve done it. Just after two classes, I knew that what Aurika was doing was different. Her programs are so operational, sequential and complete.

Aurika truly holds and creates experiences for lasting change. I am forever grateful.

– Meghan | Business Owner

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By checking the box next to this Terms of Use, and clicking the “Purchase” button, you, the purchaser of the Holy Body Membership outlined below (hereinafter “Client”) agree and willingly purchase entry into this program to be provided with services rendered by Aurika Valan International LLC (hereinafter “Company”), and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding Agreement with Company, inclusive of the following terms and conditions mutually agreed upon:

For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by all parties, Client is voluntarily electing to purchase The Holy Body Membership (hereinafter “Program”). In exchange, Company agrees to provide the services outlined in the Program Details below. Client understands and agrees that Company will utilize suitable methodologies in accordance with Client’s needs, and in accordance with his/her training to deliver the Program as outlined.

1. Program Outline

A. Client agrees and understands that he/she is purchasing The Holy Body Membership, a 12-month experience offering educational resources, group mentoring calls, and a community of like-minded people.

B. Client acknowledges that he/she has read the Program Outline Addendum and conducted any additional research necessary to feel he/she understands what is being provided in Program as well as what is not included. Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein, as well as the general policies and procedures that can be found in this Agreement and on Company’s website.

2. Confidentiality

A. Once Client enters Program, Client will have gained access to various trade secrets and personal intellectual property of Company, including but not limited to materials such as verbal advice, mindset guidance, written templates, modules, technical information, business advice, somatic practices and/or other information that may have become available for use through Client’s participation in Program. Client understands and acknowledges that this information is not to be openly shared with others who have not participated in Program.

B. Client agrees not to share, copy, or distribute any documents or other proprietary information obtained through Program, and agrees that he or she will be in violation of these Terms of Use if he or she uses any of the Content outlined as her own material, or repurposes and uses the Content in her own business as a product or service being offered for sale, without express written permission of Company. Client also understands and agrees they will not disclose or use any information provided to Client as part of their membership and/or ability to participate in Program, other than for personal use without permission from Company.

C. Due to the “group” nature of the Program, Client also understands and agrees they will gain access to confidential information and proprietary material belonging to other participants of the Program, and agrees to keep all such information confidential, refrain from taking any ideas or tangible materials from other participants, and honor the confidentiality of the group.

3. Testimonials

A. Client understands and agrees that any feedback provided by Client to Company about Program or Company in general on any public platform, or any platform within the Program or within conversations held on Program platforms may be used by Company as a testimonial, and may be published by Company in connection with marketing for Program and Company in general. Client hereby grants Company a non-exclusive, perpetual license to use all content of the testimonial, whether written or oral, as well as Client’s name and likeness. If Client would like to remain anonymous in any shared testimonial, Client may elect to do so, but must inform Company in writing of her desire to remain anonymous.

4. Payment and Payment Plan

A. Client understands the cost of the program is nine hundred forty U.S. dollars ($940) if paid in full which is payable up front, in full, unless otherwise posted by Company in connection with an early bird pricing or sale option. Client agrees to render payment via credit card on Company’s sales and checkout page for Program. Client understands they are responsible for the full payment and agrees to pay the sum requested electronically, via Company’s website or a designated third-party payment processor of Company’s choosing, in full.

5. Refund Policy

A. Due to the subjective nature of the Program provided by Company, and Company’s inability to control Client’s availability, motivation, external forces, financial situation, or level of engagement in Program, Company is not able to offer refunds once Client has purchased the Program. Please conduct any and all necessary research to determine if Program is right for you prior to purchasing. Once the purchase is made, Client will not be eligible to receive a refund.

6. Term; Termination

A. Following agreement to these Terms of Use and purchase of Program, Client is to have access to Program for the duration of the twelve (12) month period starting on May 15, 2024 or if purchased after May 15, 2024 starting from date of purchase. These Terms shall be in full force and effect for as long as Program is available to Client, and/or as long as Client continues to use and access Program, whichever is longer. Upon reaching the end of Program, all applicable provisions shall survive the expiration of the agreement.

B. Company may elect to terminate Client’s ability to access Program in the event of a breach of these Terms, failure to make required payments in accordance with an agreed upon payment plan, suspected illegal activity, including but not limited to infringement or any other form of distribution or copying of any portion of Program, or for any other reason, in Company’s sole and complete discretion.

C. Client may terminate this Agreement at any time; however, it does not alleviate or change in any way Client’s obligation to pay for the program in full nor does it entitle Client for a full or partial refund, and Client understands and agrees that early termination of this Agreement, or Client’s decision to stop participation in Program does not affect or alter Client’s obligation to complete paying for the program in full nor does it entitle Client for a full or partial refund.

7. Voluntary Participation

A. Client understands and agrees that they are voluntarily choosing to enroll in Program and is solely responsible for any outcomes or results. While Company believes in its services and that Program is able to help many people, Client acknowledges and agrees that Company is not responsible nor liable to Client should Client sustain any injuries, incur harm, or encounter any negative ramifications. Client agrees that they are fully responsible for their health and well-being, including participation in Program and any results therein.

8. Disclaimer

A. Company cannot guarantee results of Program, and cannot make any representations or guarantees regarding individual results. Client will hold Company and Program harmless if they do not experience the desired results.

B. Earnings Disclaimer: Company does not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on use of Program, nor is Company responsible for additional Client earnings, or any increase or decrease in finances based upon information within Program. Any information or testimonials regarding past or current clients’ participation in programs, or working with Company contained on Website or in sales material that contain financial information are individual, and results may vary.

C. Client understands that all services provided by Company in connection with the Program being purchased are provided on an “as is” basis, meaning it is without any guarantees (other than that which is outlined above), representations, or warranties, including but not limited to warranties relating to quality, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or expectation or course of performance. Client is choosing to purchase this Program and work with Company on a purely voluntary basis and does not hold Company or Program responsible should Client become dissatisfied with any portion of the Program.

D. Client agrees that he/she does not have a cause of action, legal remedy, and is not entitled to a refund should he/she not achieve the results desired following completion of the program, as long as Company delivers the Program as described in Paragraph 1 above, or similar substitutes, upon additional agreement by Company and Client.

E. Client also understands Company is not a doctor, nurse, lawyer, financial adviser, psychic, licensed therapist, or otherwise, and agrees to hold Company harmless should any physical, emotional, or financial injury occur as a direct or indirect result of the Program. The content provided by Company on its website and within the Program is comprised of information that has worked for Company and other clients, and may or may not be useful to Client in their personal business or life. Client understands Company cannot guarantee results from this Program, and has no expectation of a specific result that she holds Company responsible for.

F. Client understands that Program is not therapy or psychological counseling and is not a substitute for the treatments or services ordinarily provided by health care professionals for physiological or psychological complaints. If in doubt, Client understands that it is their responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the practices, and teachings, offered in this Program. If Client needs or desires medical treatment, therapy, or psychological counseling, they will seek it from a licensed provider. Client understand that if they desire or need medical treatment, psychological counseling or therapy during, or as a result of, their participation in the Program, they will not receive this from any of the Program staff. Client confirms that they are well physically, psychologically, and emotionally, and commit to being responsible for their own well-being during, and after, the course of this Program.

9. Intellectual Property

A. Client agrees and understands that Company has created numerous original, creative works in connection with the Program, and agrees that Company maintains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in the Program, whether created prior to working with Client or specifically for Client, including but not limited to: documents, charts, emails, graphs, products, systems, processes, teachings, handouts, somatic practices, methodologies, concepts, worksheets, workbooks, presentations, copy for website or sales pages, and any other original work created by Company. Client agrees that all materials and practices are for their personal use only.

Client agrees to not copy, paraphrase, duplicate, rename the content taught inside the Program as their own content in any way. Client may be granted a limited right to use selected materials in the course of their own business, but understands that the original proprietary rights remain with Company. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a transfer of ownership of any Intellectual Property from Company to Client, nor grant any license to use the information, other than that which is expressly provided throughout the course of the Program.

B. Client agrees and understands Client is not to copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property provided by Company or obtained through working with Company, without Company’s express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, Company reserves the right to immediately end Client’s participation in the Program without refund, as well as access to any program or materials Client may have purchased, without refund, and reserve the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law.

C. Licensee Rights: Company’s Limited License to Client: Client understands that in purchasing the Program, Client is gaining access to view all content and information available as part of the Program, as well as any additional information or content shared with them by Company as Company sees fit. Client understands this means they will have been granted a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to read and use the information provided for use in their business and life, as instructed or allowed by Company. As a “Licensee,” Client understands and agrees that Client will not: (i) Copy, edit, distribute, duplicate or steal any information or any Content obtained through Program without written permission by Company; (ii) Post, distribute, copy, steal or otherwise use any portion of the Program or its content, or information obtained via other members in the group Program without written permission by Company, and understand that any such use may constitute infringement, which may give rise to a cause of action against Client; (iii) Claim any content created by Company as part of the Program or otherwise given to Client is his/her own, meaning he/she cannot claim any content created by Company was Client’s work, and use in his/her business as his/her own; (iv) Share purchased materials, information, content with others who have not purchased them; (v) Client further acknowledges and understands that any such actions including but not limited to those outlined above will likely constitute infringement and/or theft of our work, and a violation of this Agreement and United States Federal laws.

10. Indemnification

A. Client agrees at all times to defend, fully indemnify and hold Company and any affiliates, agents, team members or other party associated with Company harmless from any causes of action, injury, illness, misunderstanding, damages, losses, costs, expenses incurred as a result of Client’s use of Program, as well as any third-party claims of any kind (including attorney’s fees) arising from their actions as a direct or indirect result of Client’s participation in Program. Should Company be required to defend themselves in any action directly or indirectly involving Client, or an action where we decide Client’s participation or assistance would benefit Company’s defense, Client agrees to participate and provide any evidence, documents, testimony, or other information deemed useful by Company, free of charge.

11. Dispute Resolution

A. Should a dispute arise between Company and Client, the parties agree to attempt to resolve by good-faith negotiations and discussions. (Client agrees that failure to see results is not a basis for a “dispute” and agrees he or she does not hold Company responsible for any specific results, or those results which have been achieved by other clients of Company.)

B. If unable to reach a resolution informally, Client and Company agree that all disputes will be submitted for Arbitration by the American Arbitration Association, to be completed in Austin, Texas within a reasonable amount of time. Client and Company agree to participate in the arbitration process in good faith and in a manner that will effectively and efficiently resolve the dispute at hand, including the exchange of any materials, documents, or information. The decision made by the arbitrator is to be final and binding on both parties and is not to be appealed or otherwise set aside. It is to be enforceable in any court of proper jurisdiction as a judgment of law or decree.

12. Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and under control of the laws of Texas regardless of conflict of law principles, and regardless of location of Client. Client understands this and agrees that the laws of Texas are to be applicable here.

13. Amendments
This agreement may be altered, amended, changed, extended, or otherwise updated based upon the changes in relevant laws, the course or program being purchased, or due to Company’s choosing. Client’s continued use of the product or service will constitute agreement to this document in its most updated form.


Client understands, acknowledges, and agrees he/she is purchasing The Holy Body Membership (Program) created and offered by Company. Once the Program is purchased, Client is to remain within Program for a period of twelve (12) months starting May 15, 2024 or if purchased later than May 15, 2024 starting from date of purchase. As outlined on the sales page, Program includes the following deliverables:

Two live teaching and / or practice calls
One monthly Q&A call
Access to Community Forum
Weekly audio trainings and activations
Access to all the practices and study material while inside the membership

Programs. Client will have immediate access to some of Company’s resource library of masterclasses, programs, and courses and will continue to receive access for the full Program duration.

Group Calls: Client shall receive access to all Group calls. Company will advise Client and all other Program participants of the date(s) and time(s) for all calls. All calls will be recorded and available for participants to view, if Client is unable to attend live. Client understands that inability to attend one or more group calls live is not a reason to request a refund, nor will Company refund or reschedule group calls if Client is not able to attend. Should Company need to reschedule a call, it will advise participants and provide as much notice as possible.

Community Access: Client will also be granted access to a private group on the Circle App on May 15, 2024, organized by Company as part of the Program. If granted access, Client agrees to follow the community guidelines and use common sense when posting or responding to others’ in the group, and agrees to refrain from posting any negative or unnecessary comments. Company reserves the right to remove Client from this community if she is disruptive or otherwise interfering with others’ ability to enjoy the community. Client understands they will need to download and create an account on the Circle platform in order to access this community.

Client has carefully read this Program Outline and acknowledges that he/she is aware of what is, and what is not included within this Program. Client is aware that this Program Outline includes EVERYTHING included within the Program. If Client expected additional information, products, services, or other information to be provided in this Program but does not see it here, Client understands it may not be included. Company is under no obligation to provide anything other than what is listed above, with the exception of updated or ever-changing Bonuses offered for limited periods of time. No edits or amendments may be made to this Program Outline Addendum without express written consent of both parties.

By completing the online purchase and being charged the amount listed above, Client confirms he or she has reviewed this Program Outline, completed any and all appropriate additional research, and asked any and all necessary questions of Company and his/her team in order to feel appropriately educated of the Program and product/service being offered. Client understands he or she will not be entitled to a refund once completing this purchase for any reason, other than as discussed above.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

Refund Policy 
Due to the nature of the services provided, there are no refunds, transfers or cancellations. Aurika Valan International LLC does not issue refunds due to lack of attendance in program, scheduling conflicts, overcommitting, or personal disagreements. By signing up for this program, you acknowledge you are ready to complete the full investment before the start of the program and that there will be no refunds issued.
The somatic membership to grow your business, revolutionize your relationships, and guide you to your true, embodied power as a Whole Woman.

What's included:

  • One live Soma Repatterning experience to heal your past based on the theme of the month.*

  • One live Soma Calibration experience to create your desired reality within the context of the theme of the month.*

  • Bi monthly Soul Fam community call for us to show up as we are, share vulnerably, discuss hot topics and connect as a circle of women (previous calls included topics as such balancing love & business; healing the sisterhood wound; freeing our voices etc.

  • Community Vault – the place where all the magic will be happening! Experience a curated space to foster a sense of connection with other women where you get to feel seen, held, and supported.

  • Unique, nuanced teachings and trainings during our live calls to deepen your understanding of the monthly topic.

  • Access to all the practices and study material while you're inside the membership so that you have the tools and the support you need for any situation in life.

Please note: *Based on the needs of the group and the theme of the month, the schedule is subject to being enhanced. For example, a business topic may require a more in depth teaching on strategy so a somatic call may be replaced by a teaching call in order to deliver the theme of the month in the most effective way possible.
  • Total payment
  • 1xHoly Body 12 month Waitlist$997

All prices in USD
