The investment increases in:

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1. Nail your messaging and speak about your offer powerfully and precisely in order to attract soulmate clients.

2. Navigate through any "launching trauma" in order to clear the way to easier sales.

3. Learn the secrets about launch foreplay and create a hot audience ready to buy anything you sell.

4. Cultivate unshakable trust as a CEO so that you can keep on making big moves even when things feel hard.

5. Set your launching timelines, pricing, and incentives that feel delicious both for you and your client.

6. Learn about the waitlist strategy so that the seats are open even before the launch goes public.

7. Sustain your energy and protect your nervous system throughout your launch.


2 weeks packed with trainings that honor both strategy and energetics of creating the most successful launch of your life

Three live calls and bonus audio trainings that will forever change the way you launch

A somatic practice to help you feel more confident during launch time

Starting in October

Contact information

Billing address

Because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and providing the Program, we have a no refund policy.

If paying by debit card or credit card, you give us permission to automatically charge your credit or debit card for all fees and charges due and payable to the Company, without any additional authorization, for which you will receive an electronic receipt.

If payment is not received when due, the Company reserves the right to terminate your access to the Program and all Content, as defined below in Paragraph 5, immediately and permanently.

If you fail to make any payment in a timely manner or voluntarily withdraw from the Program at any time or for any reason, you will remain fully responsible for the full cost of the Program.

You acknowledge that Aurika Valan International LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, or masterminds, tools, or strategies.

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of Aurika Valan International LLC has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money with your respect to your purchase of Aurika Valan coaching. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings and therefore no refunds will be given.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    2 Monthly Payments of $1442x $144.00
  • Preferred option
    1 Payment of $247$247.00
  • Preferred option
    2 Monthly payments of $877 (Immersion + The Minimind)2x $877.00
  • Preferred option
    1 Payment of $1744 (Immersion + The Minimind)$1744.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Refund Policy 
Due to the nature of the services provided, there are no refunds, transfers or cancellations. Aurika Valan International LLC does not issue refunds due to lack of attendance in program, scheduling conflicts, overcommitting, or personal disagreements. By signing up for this program, you acknowledge you are ready to complete the full investment before the start of the program and that there will be no refunds issued.


✦ Instead of seeing launching as "that crazy time" where everything else in your life stops and makes you need a vacation… Launching gets to feel fun and easeful.

✦ You have a clear, strategic roadmap to launching. You know exactly what to do. No more throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks

✦ You know how to manage your energy while showing up consistently (ps, this does not mean posting daily).

✦ You feel confident selling and know how to speak about your offering in a way that compels your people to buy.

✦ Launching feels like a natural and delicious part of your business that you look forward to

This is THE program that will make you feel like you can't wait to have your next launch, feel crystal clear in how to launch your sacred offering, and create clients who are ready to pay and play full out.

Upgrade to the 8-week Launching MiniMind

✧ Upgrade to the 8 week high touch, intimate launching minimind with individualized support by Aurika to help you execute your launch plan. 

✧ The Minimind includes the 2-week accelerator and will take place one week after the immersion.  

✧ To ensure that this is an intimate experience where you get plenty of support by Aurika, spots are limited.

  • Total payment
  • 1xLaunching Renaissance Early Bird$0

All prices in USD
